Contributors: January 2017



Nick Britsky is a Detroit cocktail enthusiast who spends his time creating boozy content — in the form of recipes, photos, articles, or videos. The first of his occasional columns for Detroit can be found here. He is a member of the Greater Detroit U.S. Bartender’s Guild and holds a Spirits Professional certification from them. Additionally, he carries the Certified Beer Server from Cicerone and Bar Smarts training. You can occasionally catch him bartending pop-ups or special events. Check out his Instagram account for crazy contraptions or recipes . You can also email him at


Lexi Trimpe started at Detroit in January 2015 as an editorial intern. In the last two years, she graduated from Wayne State University with a BA in journalism and started freelancing full time. She began her new role as Detroit’s web editor in the fall. A true nerd at heart, she is excited for the challenging, yet exciting work ahead of her driving and Media’s other social media accounts. Look out for more web-exclusive content in 2017 as she develops a new platform for our readers.

BenLaskyandRobert Weiner

Ben Lasky (left) and Robert Weiner (center) caught up with the always busy Rep. John Conyers Jr. for our “An With …” interview this month. Weiner is a former Clinton White House spokesman and was chief of staff of the House Aging Committee under Chairman Claude Pepper (D-Fla.). He was also senior staff for congressmen Conyers, Charles Rangel, Ed Koch, and Sen. Ted Kennedy. Lasky is a senior policy analyst at Solutions for Change.


Matthew LaVere is a Detroit-based photographer who specializes in environmental portraiture and Polaroid film. He took the portraits of our “car people,” found here. Aside from photography, LaVere loves three things: good food, good coffee, and good people.When not behind a camera, you can find him introducing friends to Korean barbecue and mentoring photography students. LaVere has photographed in cities from coast to coast. Clients include Alternative Press magazine, Amway Global, Car Design News, Detroit Home magazine, DBusiness magazine, and ZF TRW.